Are you procrastinating any of these 10 things?
#1 Go to the dentist.
I don't really know anyone who likes to go to the dentist, but they can spot and address health problems before they before serious. Also, if you have dental insurance and cleanings are free this also means a free toothbrush and toothpaste every month. My dentist often has a bowl of free toothpaste on the counter, and I snag some for my 72-hr bag or for traveling in my carry-on.
#2 Get an oil change.
You car will run much more efficiently with fresh oil. Also, running out of oil can cause major damage to your car. I once cracked an oil valve, a costly repair, that could have been avoided if I just changed my oil when it was time. At least keep an extra quart of oil in your car, if you don't have time for an oil change. 35 Items You Need To Put in Your Car Right Now
#3 Get a passport.
While I don't expect to ever need to leave the country unexpectedly, a passport is accepted as formal ID in all states. This universal ID could be handy and can take some time to receive. Start the process and a world of opportunity opens to you.
#4 Collect all family information in one place.
I understand this is a real hassle to gather medical records, birth certificates, Social security cards, telephone numbers, drivers licenses and many other documents. But making copies and backing up the information could be a real time and life saver if the originals are lost.
#5 Change your driver's license address to match your real address.
This may be more for folks who move often, but legally your address on your driver's license doesn't have to be changed when you move residences. However this means, that when someone needs to identity you from your ID they will have an outdated address to reference. Hopefully you can do this online, because even I don't want to go to the DMV more than necessary.
#6 Check your fridge for expired goods.
Not really fun, finding the old science experiments in the back of the fridge. But this is space you could be using to store other, better things. Also, if the power goes out these already spoiled items will soon experience a growth explosion and probably smell really bad.
#7 Check your freezer for mystery items.
Also not super fun, cleaning out the freezer. While a full freezer runs more efficiently, if you can't fit the items you want or don't know whats in your freezer then your life is not running more efficiently. Remind yourself whats in your freezer, what can go and what you may want to eat soon.
#8 Clean the dryer vent or chimney or other oddball item.
There is probably some forgotten place you don't clean very often. For example, the dry vent can have clogged lint which could reduce dyer efficiency and maybe ignite. For those with fireplaces or wood-stoves, when is the last time you cleaned your chimney or stovepipe? There could be dangerous buildup inside the pipe that could catch fire or cause smoke to back up into your home. A clean chimney is a safe chimney.
#9 Take a first aid class.
Basic know-how for handling small cuts, burns, and stabilizing patients. A first aid course is handy, no one is denying that. But when it comes to procrastinating, this one is probably falling to the bottom of your prepping to do list. American Red Cross.
#10 Read a book.
Don't get so caught up in the day to day living that you forget to keep learning. Whether it is a real dead-tree book, or an electronic book or articles online. Continuing to learn is sometimes forgotten but should never be overlooked. It keeps your mind active and healthy. Learning new hobbies can also reduce stress and potentially gain you a new survival skills like woodworking or fishing.
Keep Learning:
- 7 Tips on Bugging-In for Urban Preppers
- 10 Simple Steps to Making Cold Processed Soap (+2 Easy Recipes)
- 5 Steps to Evaluating Water Security during a Power Outage
- 7 Steps for Heating Your Home During a Power Outage
What are you procrastinating doing that you really should do? Let us know in the comments section below! Thanks for reading, now go tackle your to-do list!