Backpacking or 72hr bag meals
Quick and Easy Just-Add-Water Meals I love backpacking. Backpacking requires a person to carry all of their meals with them. Oatmeal – sweet or savory or protein Pasta sides + mashed potatoes ramen tuna packets + tortillas granola bars/poptarts?/ candy bars/ protein bars nuts/ trail mix / seeds / etc freeze dried meals? apples, hard […]

A Look Inside: EMT/Paramedic Jump Kit
A jump kit is the primary trauma bag carried by EMTs and paramedics. It contains a base set of things, and other customization items. It offers redundancy for things that are also into the ambulance, as well as redundancy in itself. We have a very good friend who is a paramedic, and he gave us […]

My Absolute Essential Evac Bag
My friend, who went backpacking with me (see our adventure), recommended this book: The Great Alone. In this story, there is a mother and her daughter who live in Alaska and their husband/father is abusive. He is also a prepper, so they have Bug-Out Bags ready by the door. (I call mine a 72-hr bag, […]

10 Things I Learned Backpacking for the First Time
At the beginning of July, I went on a 4 day/3 night backpacking trip in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I traversed Mt. Moriah, Carter Dome, Carter Notch and then summited Wildcat mountain. This was my first backpacking experience and I learned about myself and “back-country” survival. (I’ll put back-country in quotes, it was […]

What You Need to Know About a 72-Hr Bag
The Purpose of the 72-hr Bag: A 72-hr kit is designed to have everything you need for 3 days. Some terms you may hear in the community are bug-out bag, go-bag, or get-home bag. Bug-out bags are for when you plan to abandon your dwelling, and camp out in the woods or other shelter. GO-bags […]

Get Home Safe: How to Pack a Get-Home Bag
For public transit commuters or even car commuters, do you have the supplies you would need to get home if your transportation failed you? Do your have a get home bag? For example, during the attacks on 9/11 all public transportation was shut down. Subways and buses stopped running, the roads became gridlocked with traffic […]

4 Steps to Building a 72-hr Bag
The power company calls and you will have no power for 3 days. Do you have what you need to survive? The flood waters are rising and you must evacuate to a nearby school on a hill, are your supplies portable enough for you to carry? Pack a backpack with all your needs for 72 […]
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