Backpacking or 72hr bag meals
Quick and Easy Just-Add-Water Meals I love backpacking. Backpacking requires a person to carry all of their meals with them. Oatmeal – sweet or savory or protein Pasta sides + mashed potatoes ramen tuna packets + tortillas granola bars/poptarts?/ candy bars/ protein bars nuts/ trail mix / seeds / etc freeze dried meals? apples, hard […]

8 Lessons Learned while Testing our 1 Month Food Box
The infamous “they” recommend you test your supplies to make sure it works for you, before you actually need it. In the process of moving to our new home, we got a chance to “practice” with our 1 month food box. . One thing I often do before moving is eat only what is in […]

What’s in an MRE? Curiosity Ask….
MRE…Meals Ready to Eat…a prime feature in the bonding moments of soldiers in the trenches of combat movies. But what is actually in an MRE? Should you buy them to stock up? I opened one, mostly curious to see what actually comes in the MREs that civilian can readily buy. I got this one off […]

Short Term Food Storage: An Updated One Month Plan
You may be thinking…what? Don’t you folks already have a 1-Month plan? Yes, we do and it’s here: One-Month Food Stash for Less than $150. But what we found was that, somethings we were taking often from the box and somethings we never touched. When I check the box every 6-months to look for missing […]

Minimal One-Month Food Storage Plan for $77
If you wanted to conserve space, and look at pure calories and dollars what would a 1-month food plan look like? I run the numbers and have created a minimalist’s one-month food storage plan. In my previous article on a one-month food storage plan for 1 person, I choose mostly canned and boxed items. That […]

What you Need to Know About Short-Term Food Storage
Most people like to eat. It’s a human experience we all enjoy and also need to live. In this article we talk in depth about ensuring a steady food supply to ride small disruptions in life. Resources to help with designing your Short-Term Food Plan: One-Month Food Stash for Less Than $150 Free Family Preparedness […]

How to Peel Tomatoes for Smooth Pasta Sauce
Peeling tomatoes to make into pasta sauce can be messy business. Last year I peeled and stewed over 150 lbs of tomatoes from my garden into tomato sauce. Some of those tomatoes went into pasta sauce, others I made into salsa or left as diced tomatoes. I have experimented with removing the skins and will […]

8 Steps to Evaluating your Food Preparedness for Power Outages
Power outages can happen at anytime, and most of us today rely on the constant flow. (The spice must flow! #lettingMyNerdOut #Dune) In case you missed the first one, this is the second piece in our Power Outage Series, check out our first article: 5 Steps to Evaluating Water Security during a Power Outage. Hopefully, […]

The Real Difference Between Regular and Wide-Mouth Canning Jars
When I first started to learn to can I always wondered about why there were two different types of canning jars. There regular mouthed jars like these that have “shoulders” and a smaller diameter opening. There are also wide-mouth jars like these that have no shoulders and a larger opening. Some sites will say regular […]

Simple Guide to Water Bath Canning
For many people canning is a fun and safe way to preserve garden produce. Canning provides a way to make food shelf stable without risking it going bad before you can eat it. It also provides food security if the power goes out and food spoils in the fridge, at least your cans are safe […]
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