8 Security Concerns for a New Home
The Modern Self-Reliance team bought a house! Exciting and of-course very nerve-racking. (This explains our long absence from new content…sorry fans…life happened.) While moving, we made note of our security and preparedness concerns. 8 Security Concerns for your New Home #1 Change The Locks #2 OPSEC (moving day/movers) #3 Alarm systems #4 Social Media #5 […]

Day 1 Essentials for Moving
Moving in a new house or apartment? Make a Day 1 kit, to have the essentials all in one place. I recently bought a house! Hoorah! When packing, I put together 2 large rubber totes filled with things I needed in the first day to be prepared in the new place. Fast forward to moving […]

Preparing for a Winter Storm
“A Winter Storm approaches!” “Initiate the French Toast Protocol!” *Everyone runs to the store for milk, eggs and bread* We may laugh, but for New Englanders this is the common reaction for many folks. Everyone and their mother will go the night before a big storm to grab last minute groceries, usually including milk and […]

3 Reasons for An Off-Site Prepper’s Kit (+ What to Include)
Just as we back up our computers to prevent against loss, we also should back-up our physical supplies. I back up my computer to a separate hard drive plus there are numerous cloud storage options. When it comes to physical supplies, we also should have a off-site back-up plan in place. Storing vital survival and […]

5 Options for Bugging-Out and Leaving Town for City Dwellers
Traditionally the concept of Bugging-out means one leaving their home for a safer, usually more rural location in order to escape a natural disaster or social unrest. People talk about their Bug-Out location, usually a rural cabin stocked with food and guns. They will bring their Bug-Out bag, usually similar to a 72-hr bag or […]

7 Tips on Bugging-In for Urban Preppers
We often hear about Bug-Out Bags or Bugging-Out when things get bad. (5 Options for Bugging-Out and Leaving Town for City Dwellers) This translates to leaving your home for safer ground, perhaps higher ground or a less-populated area. Bugging-In is staying put and going into lock-down mode in your home. There are many situations such […]

7 Steps for Heating Your Home During a Power Outage
When the power goes out for those living in urban or suburban cities this may mean the heat goes out too. While they say you can go 3-days without water, you can only last 3-hours without shelter in extreme conditions. Your home can offer protection from the wind and will hold some residual heat for […]
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