5 Steps You Should Take This Week to Create a Home Resilient to Power Outages
Home power outages don’t have to spell disaster. Here are steps you can take today in 5 different areas to make your family more resilient to power outages. Each one includes a link to find more information about that specific topic of preparing for a power outage. Water Preparedness: Buy a water Filter Invest in […]

7 Steps for Maintaining Proper Sanitation during Power Outage
Keeping clean is important not only for disease control but also for your morale. A clean cooking and living environment can control the spread of bacteria but it also can maintain a sense of dignity in crisis situations. This article is part 3 in our series on preparing for long-term and short-term power outages. If […]

5 Steps to Evaluating Water Security during a Power Outage
Power outages can occur at any time. A truck could take out a telephone pole or a hurricanes could knock out a whole power transfer station. A power outage could last a few hours, a few days or a few weeks. Is your family ready with enough to survive a power outage? If a flood […]

5 Odd Facts About Power Outages (Things You Didn’t Realize)
5 Things You Didn’t Realize about Power Outages #1 Sewage Plants According to CNN, the power failure in September of 2011 near San Deigo “caused sewage to spill from San Diego’s wastewater treatment system into the Torrey Pines State Beach area as well as the Sweetwater River.” While covering home sanitation in 7 Steps for […]

7 Steps for Heating Your Home During a Power Outage
When the power goes out for those living in urban or suburban cities this may mean the heat goes out too. While they say you can go 3-days without water, you can only last 3-hours without shelter in extreme conditions. Your home can offer protection from the wind and will hold some residual heat for […]

8 Steps to Evaluating your Food Preparedness for Power Outages
Power outages can happen at anytime, and most of us today rely on the constant flow. (The spice must flow! #lettingMyNerdOut #Dune) In case you missed the first one, this is the second piece in our Power Outage Series, check out our first article: 5 Steps to Evaluating Water Security during a Power Outage. Hopefully, […]

5 Essential Things you Need during a Power Outage
According in US Energy Information Association, in 2015, the average power outage is no more than 5 hours. (Source: EIA) These are the local weather or downed power line incidents; the random day to day power outages that effect everyone. Of course extreme weather can knock power out for months. (evidence: Hurricane Katrina, Puerto Rico…) […]

7 Steps for Evaluating Lighting Options During Power Outage
Lighting: This is the one thing people normally associate with power outages. You are sitting at home and you are cast into darkness. The TV silences. As a child, during summer thunder storms that would knock out power I was excited. I would run to get the flashlights and candles, it was just like indoor […]

8 Lessons Learned while Testing our 1 Month Food Box
The infamous “they” recommend you test your supplies to make sure it works for you, before you actually need it. In the process of moving to our new home, we got a chance to “practice” with our 1 month food box. . One thing I often do before moving is eat only what is in […]

7 Core Principles for Surviving an EMP
An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic radiation. An EMP attack would involve a nuclear missile being exploded above the location of the target, similar to the experiments conducted during the Cold War. The explosion will then proceed to emit a large radioactive aftershock. Note that this is different from a physical shockwave caused by […]
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