6 Things Your Paramedic Wished You Knew
I interviewed our paramedic friend, about what would make his job easier. He gave us 6 things, he wished more people knew. These are skills that would save lives by providing more immediate aid to the victim, or to help yourself. #1 Hands-Only CPR There are two parts to CPR, the hands thumping on their […]

A Look Inside: EMT/Paramedic Jump Kit
A jump kit is the primary trauma bag carried by EMTs and paramedics. It contains a base set of things, and other customization items. It offers redundancy for things that are also into the ambulance, as well as redundancy in itself. We have a very good friend who is a paramedic, and he gave us […]

3 Extra Places for A First Aid Kit
Everyone knows they should have a first aid kit in their house. Many people have a stash of band aids, antibiotic ointment, and some aspirin in a drawer in their bathroom. First Aid kits can be bought as a package like this handy one shown below, or you can create it yourself from any drugstore. […]
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