Free Travel Checklist

7 Step Checklist for Getting Prepared Before you Travel
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What you Need to Know to Travel Prepared
Traveling can be a fun, relaxing way to explore the world. Traveling can also be stressful and nerve-racking. Whether I am traveling for work or for pleasure, being prepared is one of my concerns. I work hard to make my home resilient to small emergencies, but then I leave it all behind when I travel. […]

10 Things I Learned Backpacking for the First Time
At the beginning of July, I went on a 4 day/3 night backpacking trip in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I traversed Mt. Moriah, Carter Dome, Carter Notch and then summited Wildcat mountain. This was my first backpacking experience and I learned about myself and “back-country” survival. (I’ll put back-country in quotes, it was […]

Prepared Traveling: What to do When You Arrive
You got excited, you packed your carry-on bag (TSA-approved) with supplies. You safely landed at your new destination, ready for adventure. You set yourself up for success, now carry that idea through to when your plane touches down. What to do to ensure continued preparedness while traveling: #1 Check Your Bags Whether you are retrieving […]

Operations Security Mistakes I Made while Traveling
Operations Security “Operations security (OPSEC) is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information.” ~Wikipedia OPSEC […]

Situational Awareness While Traveling
“Situational awareness is the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event.” ~Wikipedia While preparing for and going on travel, a certain […]

9 Preparedness Tips for the Office
For those with typical office 9-5 jobs, you likely spend 1/3 of your life and nearly 1/2 of your waking life at the office. That is a huge amount of your time spent away from your home and also away from any preparedness supplies you stocked at home. Thinking about your office situation should be […]

35 Items You Need To Put In Your Car Right Now for Your Survival
What supplies should you keep in your car? What if you get a flat tire, get stranded in a ditch or see a disabled car on the breakdown lane? This article outlines the major components of a car’s preparedness assets. 35 Items to Put in Your Car Today spare tire tire air pump (like this […]

TSA Approved Prepping: What’s in my Carry-on?
I love traveling, visiting friends, and exploring new places. But the world can be dangerous as well as fun. Are you prepared for an attack in the airport? Are you prepared for a car accident in the taxi in the new city? What would you have with you if the plane crashed and you survived? […]

Car Supplies You Can’t Do Winter Without
Like many New Englanders, I know the weather can change very quickly. Small light snowflakes can turn into whiteout conditions in short minutes, bringing the highway to a crawl. What supplies should you keep in your car? What if you get a flat tire, get stranded in a ditch or see a disabled car on […]
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