We have returned from our 11-day trip across Ireland and Northern Ireland. I loved seeing the grand coastlines and sheep-farming landscape, however I was excited to return to my garden. I was excited when I left to return and see how everything grew while I was away, hoping it didn't die. To see how I prepared my garden for my trip, check out Preparing My Garden for Vacation: Community Garden Update.

The results? Amazing
My garden truly flourished while I was away and astounded me with growth. My peas were growing with not a weed between them (thanks to my mulching). The tomatoes were strong and healthy. My beans doubled in size! One tomatillo looks be be blooming, even though it seems small and early.
Bush Beans
Some losses: I lost a squash plant and a few pepper plants. My onions look to have germinated poorly, which is perhaps the reason many people start onion inside. My carrots came up great but so did the weeds around them. Looks like I have some weeding and thinning to do in the carrots beds.



Just one more Ireland pictures: the foxgloves and fushias were blooming and lined nearly every back-country road! Tim and I watched for a big as a huge bumblebee visited each flower of the foxglove. It was great so see the bee in action, can you find it below?

Do you have plans for a summer vacation this year? Thanks for reading.
To learn more about gardening, check out: 10 Lessons Learned from Last Year's Garden